We are all aware that the downturn has impacted bottom lines of companies, people are getting laid off, credit is scarce making it difficult to make fresh investments, there is little appetite for risk taking, we want to stay in cash and want to keep our heads down and weather the storm.

In SAC we believe that this is an opportunity to innovate and build new business models for growth. In the world BRIC economies are still growing; in India and China GDP growth is still above 7%, quality manpower is still available at reasonable rates and demand for goods and services is still there. The challenges of entering into these markets notwithstanding, these markets have helped many companies stay afloat. Caterpillar is getting nearly half of its revenues from these markets, IBM is showing healthy growth because of diversified models, even GM is still selling cars in some numbers here.

We in SAC offer a collaborative framework for companies to synergise and grow. Our pharma, healthcare, biotech and lifesciences etc. unit is already getting enquiries in building collaborative engagement models with us. We believe in high degree of transparency, value ethical behavior and work on a principle of trust. When innovative minds will get together businesses will get built.
Tomorrow I will raise the question which is uppermost in the mind of many people- debate on outsourcing and job loss.

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc