The plant has been used as medicine across all herbal medicinal systems. Traditionally, the species is used for stomach cramps, flatulence, respiratory ailments, blood disorders, heart diseases, and as an aphrodisiac. It is a folk remedy for headaches and colds and has antidiarrheal, and antidysentery properties. It is useful in treating scanty menstruation, and poor seminal mobility. Saffron is one of the 770 medicinal plants mentioned in the Sushruta Samhita, the ancient and still most authentic of Ayurveda texts.
Hippocrates and Galen mention using saffron to improve digestion, reduce flatulence and colic, and calm the nerves of adults and children. Avicenna in Book II of Canon of Medicine (al-Qanun fi al-tib) describes various medicinal uses of saffron, including its use as an antidepressant, hypnotic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, a bronchodilator, aphrodisiac, labor inducer, and emmenagogue. Most of these effects have been studied in modern pharmacology, and are well documented.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, saffron is claimed to be useful in conditions related to the heart and liver. It is used to invigorate blood supply, release toxins, and relieve high fevers and related conditions caused by pathogenic heat. Saffron is also used as a herbal cure for cold and cough and in dentistry.
Modaghegh et al. (2008) conducted trials on a sample of 10 people who were administered saffron tablets and showed a reduction in both high systolic and arterial blood pressure. It also improves memory, learning, and sleep, and increases blood flow in the retina and choroid. In high doses, it has a narcotic effect.
This is a well-researched herb and there are extensive scientific studies that support the plant’s traditional medicinal properties.
To know more about plants mentioned in the Bible, you can read here.