Marketing is all about communicating with your customers. Holistic digital marketing is the means to brand development and achieving strategic business goals.  As the world becomes more and more digital, digital tools are becoming a mode of choice for communication in society. Communication is getting facilitated by digital devices like mobile phones, computers, and tablets.
A host of applications have been developed to help us communicate with each other. Some popular ones that immediately come to my mind are WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tiktok, Reddit, YouTube, and Email. Each of these applications is preferred by people, sometimes interchangeably but often for a purpose.
Digital marketing is most effective when it uses all the tools and devices available to target and communicate with its target audience. The more comprehensive the communication, the more effective it tends to get.
Much of the communication described is done over the internet. Given the volume of messages, the challenge for a digital marketer and the consumer is to find and connect. Finding and communicating are facilitated by search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, Baidu, Yandex, and others. Digital marketers frequently use SEO (search engine optimization) and search engine marketing (SEM) to explore, discover, and communicate.
Communication effectiveness improves as we deploy all available modes using various tools and techniques. A holistic digital marketing approach effectively communicates your brand message to your customers.

Holistic marketing also helps in achieving business growth. As the world becomes increasingly digitalized traditional businesses are getting forced into looking at digital marketing to expand their business footprint. Digital is helping companies break into markets that hitherto lay outside of their areas of focus.

Supporting credentials:

Marketing strategy

Business strategy

Digital marketing

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc