I have looked at the business growth models of some of the fastest-growing companies for one of my clients. These companies grew from startups to mega-companies in a span of 10 to 30 years. The founders exhibited the following common characteristics:

  1. They were highly passionate people who were laser-focused on their goals.
  2. A majority of them were obsessively detail-oriented
  3. They did not get daunted by failure and setbacks and had a never say die attitude
  4. They were avid learners and actively sought to learn from competitors and other successful people
  5. They were all customer-focused. They sought to delight their customers.
  6. They hired individuals not because they came from the best schools but because they brought value to their organizations. Only those who would fit into the culture of the new organization were hired.

The companies that I studied are – Airbnb, Walmart, Alibaba, Apple, and Elon Musk’s companies.

In conclusion, if these great founders could build great companies based on the above-listed characteristics, you too can. There is no silver bullet. It all depends on you.

About myself:

I am now an author and content writer with a successful past career. I take up complex, analytical writing work. Here is my UPWORK Profile.

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc