A company flourishes when it successfully builds a competitive advantage for the goods and services it is taking to the market. Competitive advantage is secured when the business’s products are fully aligned to the customer’s needs. Customers are more willing to pay for such products a higher price for their products when compared to their competitors.
Many people think they will successfully beat their competitors purely through operational efficiency. It is obtained by aligning the business strategy, business model, marketing strategy, and marketing to customer needs and preferences. When customers demand their companies to be environmentally friendly, successful companies strive to fulfill that requirement. Customers will notice that the corporation is truly environmentally friendly in such cases.
Therefore, the onus to be environmentally friendly lies not just on the company but also on the customer. During my business advisory work, I regularly notice strategic confusion in the mind of entrepreneurs who believe that building a great marketing plan or presenting an environmental front face will help them achieve their business goals. Such entrepreneurs rarely lead their companies to a sustained competitive advantage. These companies spend their resources but do not achieve the desired results.
You will be truly environmentally friendly when your customers demand that of you.

Professional credentials:

Business strategy

Business model innovation

Marketing strategy
#ESG, #businessstrategy, #marketingstrategy, #marketing, #businessmodels, #competitiveadvantage

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc