The COVID 19 pandemic, the need for social distancing, the fear of getting infected by the virus are forcing a change in people’s habits. Online sales are rising. Small business is particularly badly hit. The natural products industry is preponderantly small business. With stores closed and footfalls low, they have no other option but to experiment online selling. The beneficiaries are Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.

The silver lining is that the demand for immunity building natural products is high. But the question which each CEO in the natural products industry is asking to himself is how do I reach my customer. Traditional digital marketing platforms like Amazon Seller Central and Google have such high click rates that it puts the entire business model out of wack.

Digital marketing is critical for reaching and servicing customers. Natural product providers will need to innovate and learn to use free tools. It is a battle for dollars with digital tool providers. The tool owners like Google, Amazon, Facebook etc.,  have the technology and the business power to take advantage of customers wanting to use technology for benefit.

Some low-cost ideas for improved digital outreach are:

  1. Influencer marketing
  2. Blog writing and dissemination over various platforms
  3. Peer to peer marketing

We have tied up with INPST (International National Products Science Taskforce) which is a Europe based group of top natural products scientists to be our influence marketeers. This is a limited free offer for a one time use of the platform to promote your product. Hope you will take advantage of the offer.

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc