Carbon footprint reduction strategies would vary with the nature of the business.
Glencore- the mining giant, has achieved the most CO2 reductions by switching to electric vehicle transport, electric-powered mining, and other equipment. Renewable energy-sourced electric power is now the first choice. Smelters which are energy guzzlers, will use renewables-based electricity in smelting operations. The transition to a lower CO2 emission regime is planned in areas where it does not increase costs, and environmental benefits increase operational efficiency.
Cargill is the world’s largest agricultural commodities company, with annual revenues of $134.4 billion. Its business is organized around four segments:
1. It buys, processes, and distributes grain, oilseeds, and other commodities to makers of food and animal nutrition products.
2. The company provides crop and livestock producers with products and services
3. Cargill also provides food and beverage manufacturers, food service companies, and retailers with ingredients, meat and poultry products, and health-promoting ingredients and ingredient systems.
4. The company provides its customers with risk management and financial solutions
5. Cargill serves industrial users of energy, salt, starch, and steel products. It also develops and markets sustainable products made from agricultural feedstocks.
Its carbon footprint reduction entails reducing emissions in its supply chain, eliminating deforestation in supply chains, and achieving sustainable water management in all its priority watersheds.
Therefore, I recommend that you look at your company’s operations closely, identify carbon consumption areas, and look at alternatives that will help reduce carbon usage. For instance, if your operations’ power source is a fossil fuel, you could seek to replace these with renewable energy.

Supporting certification:

Climate change: Financial Risks and Opportunities

Business strategy

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc