According to Business Makeover, “A platform connects two or more interdependent groups of users and enables them to interact with each other. The platform operates an infrastructure that facilitates such interactions. The platform typically earns from advertising or a percentage of the transactions made on the platform.”

Google is a great example of a platform business model. It enables customers to operate on its infrastructure. Its major earnings are from advertising. It is a marketing company that leverages technology. Google is probably one of the most popular digital marketing platforms. Other competing platforms in the same genre are Baidu, Facebook, and others.

Amazon, on the other hand, is both a platform and a cross-selling platform. You buy a book on Amazon and get a series of recommendations. Sometimes you end up purchasing a book from the suggestions. The company has two business models, both successfully implemented.

Uber, on the other hand, revenues come from sharing of revenues. Companies first test business models before they are finally adopted. The business models that we see in most companies have evolved.

Supporting certification:

Business model innovation

Business strategy

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