Strategy evaluation is critical to a company’s business growth and survival. We live in a dynamic, constantly changing environment. Both external and internal changes impact it. Change is taking place internationally and at home. Customer preferences, needs, and...
A successful business is built not by marketing but by creating a customer-centric business strategy. Any company, young, not so young, or old, can be made to stand out in a competitive marketplace. The main impediment to that happening is the unwillingness of...
Gaming business growth campaigns should begin by looking closely at the customer. Study your customer and seek answers to the following questions: What are the demographics of my customers- age, region, profession, and gender? You can find most of this information on...
Recession and inflation both cause the depletion of asset value. Smart business leaders prepare themselves for the impending recession by cutting costs, conversing cash, and focusing on those products and services with the highest margins. The mass layoffs in Meta,...
Starbucks’ business growth is not attributed only to its storefront but is an outcome of several factors. Synergistic action of strategy, business model, innovation, and adaptation help the brand stand out amongst its peers. With its collaborator TATA in India,...
Apple’s business success is attributed to its founder Steve Jobs’s design-focused, customer-centric approach. He provided leadership and enthused his team to create innovative, unique products and offerings. When internet access moved from desktop to...