Flowers provide the perfect finishing touch to many events including weddings, anniversaries and graduations just to name a few. These beautiful plants provide an amazing visual statement that plays an important role in the lives of so many. In short, the significance of flowers cannot be overstated. Yet, when flowers come to mind, many people do not think of the profound impacts flowers can have on your health, happiness and peace of mind. Flowers, regardless of their timeless beauty, can have both positive and negative influences on your total health and well-being. Here’s how.
First, flowers are a leading cause of allergies. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States and symptoms include itchiness, watery eyes and a runny nose. A very common practice is to sniff flowers to enjoy their smell. However, this can be detrimental to those who suffer from allergies since pollen is a leading cause of the illness. Some of the worst flowers for allergies include chamomile, daisies, sunflowers and goldenrod. The good news is that if you are prone to allergies, but still want to enjoy the beauty of flowers, there are many hypoallergenic varieties available for you to choose from. Such flowers include geraniums, orchids, periwinkles and tulips.
When it comes to your mental health, flowers can help to make you feel better as well. Have you ever wondered why floral arrangements are presented during times of sadness or as romantic surprises? This is because the beauty of a bouquet of flowers stimulates pleasant thoughts and feelings, instantly making you feel better. Fresh flowers can improve productivity, reduce stress, and can put people in a much better mood. This is why they are often used in workplace settings or as centerpieces for tables in restaurants. A few flowers that can improve your mood include geraniums, roses, and fragrant lavender.
Lastly, flowers possess medicinal benefits as well. When it comes to herbal medicine, plants and herbs, including flowers, have many healing properties that have been used for centuries. For example, the hibiscus flower has been proven to lower blood pressure whereas chamomile helps to relieve indigestion. While these are just some of the medical uses of flowers, keep in mind that there are also some poisonous varieties that should be avoided. Such flowers include azaleas, daffodils and oleander.
All in all, flowers provide greater depth of meaning beyond just their visual appeal. Flowers can make you feel better in an instant, enhancing your mood and serving as natural remedies that heal common ailments. Keep these fun facts in mind the next time you present a beautiful bouquet of flowers to someone special.
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