Herbs for weight loss are mentioned in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda literature.
Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs for weight loss:
A herbal combination containing the following herbs – Cyperus rotundus, Saussurea lappa, Curcuma longa, Berberis aristata, Acorus calamus, Aconitum heterophyllum, Picorrhiza kursoa, Plumbago zeylanica, Holoptelea integrifolia, and Iris ensata is a formulation prescribed to control obesity. (Kumar and Bhandari 2015) A small trial with 70 obese individuals claims a reduction in obesity. (Paranjpe et al., 1990)
Chinese herbs that claim to reduce weight and supplement the spleen include Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae (Bai Zhu), Radix astragali membranacei (Huang Qi), Fructus crategi (Shan Zha)
A significant decrease in body weight occurs following treatment with the following formulations:
1. xin-ju-xiao-gao-fang (a combination of a compound of rhubarb, Coptis chinensis, Cassia semen, and Citrus aurantium),
2. yellow pea fiber;
3. bofu-tsusho-san (a mixture of Radix platycodi, gypsum fibrosum, talcum, Paeoniae, Scutellarie, and Glycyrrhiza);
4. RCM -104 (compound of Camellia sinensis, flos sophorae, and semen cassia); pistachio,
5. Satiereal (a trade medicine),
6. Monoselect Camellia (containing green tea extract: GreenSelect and Phytosome are registered trademark products) or Nigella sativa. (Yangfei Liu et al., 2017)
A significant decrease in body fat occurs by treating with xin-ju-xiao-gao-fang, bofu-tsusho-san, RCM -104, Ling gui zhu gan decoction (compound of Poria, Macrocephalae, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Ramulus Cinnamomi, and Radix atractylodis), Pu’er tea, pistachio, or Monoselect Camelia; (Yangfei Liu et al., 2017)
The scientific support for the above-mentioned Ayurveda and TCM herbs’ effectiveness in weight loss is tenuous. Much more work must be done before the silver bullet that will bring about weight loss is found.
Prominent herbs for weight loss in Ayurveda:
Lekhaniya maha Kasa
It is a weight-loss herbal formulation from Charaka Samhita. Charaka was an Ayurveda practitioner who is said to have lived in c 1st century BC. The original Ayurvedic text belongs to Agnivesha, who is said to be one of the six disciples of Ayurvedic scholar Atreya. The six disciples composed compilations of Ayurveda ideas prevailing in their times. The collection, written by Agnivesha, is regarded as the best. Charaka Samhita derives from Agnivesha’s work.
The body’s malfunction, according to Charaka, is attributed to imbalances created in the three humors of the body – vata, pitta, and kapha. These together are called tridosha.
A herbal combination containing the following herbs – Cyperus rotundus, Saussurea lappa, Curcuma longa, Berberis aristata, Acorus calamus, Aconitum heterophyllum, Picorrhiza kursoa, Plumbago zeylanica, Holoptelea integrifolia, and Iris ensata is a formulation prescribed to control obesity. (Kumar and Bhandari 2015) A small trial with 70 obese individuals claims a reduction in obesity. (Paranjpe et al., 1990)
Ayurveda anti-obesity formulation – lekhana basti contains Terminalia bellerica, Terminalia chebula, Embilica officinalis, Cyperus rotundus, Holoptelea integrifolia, Berberis aristata, Curcuma longa, Embelia ribes, mustard oil, honey, cows urine, a formulation made from barley (Hordeum vulgare), and rock salt.
A trial of 40 obese individuals prescribed Lekhaniya vati and Lekhana basti formulations for 30 days. Better results accrue when the formulations are used in combination than singularly. (Payal et al., 2017)
The scale of both these trials is relatively small. It is difficult to conclude the effectiveness or otherwise of a formulation based on a single experiment. Most formulations must undergo multiple clinical trials to culminate into a post-release user trial before receiving a final regulatory nod to sell a formulation to consumers.
Results require validation in different places before a final verdict on a formulation’s effectiveness can be given. The source of herbs is not clearly defined in the two studies mentioned above. Genetic, varietal variations and environmental conditions prevailing where the herbs are collected can influence medicinal molecule density. The mode, the time of collection, and the raw material’s processing method affect a natural product-based formulation’s effectiveness.
Given these weaknesses, I thought it was best to look at the individual constituent herbs and analyze supporting scientific literature supporting an anti-obese property. While doing so, I am conscious of Ayurveda practitioners’ view that a formulation action also depends on the constituent herbs’ synergistic effect. But in the absence of scientifically vetted clinical trials, this is the best option to validate these herbs’ effectiveness.
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