In both acupuncture and acupressure, the intent is to stimulate pressure points of the body. To determine what works better, let me briefly describe the fundamental principles behind this Chinese concept of healing.
Qi is a critical element of human life, according to Chinese medicine. This can be described as the vital energy following through the body. Qi in the human body is said to manifest itself through five main functions. These are vitality, movement, protection, transformation, and heat.
Meridians are pathways through which qi is believed to flow. There are fourteen major meridian lines in the human body—one meridian for each of the twelve inner organs[3]. The twelve organs mentioned in TCM are lung, stomach, large intestine, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, heart governor, triple heater, gall bladder, and liver.
Blockages, impediments, and desensitization due to an infection or ailment results in impeding the flow of qi through these meridians, resulting in the manifestation of ailment.
These impediments or blockages are removed with acupuncture needles or by applying pressure at specific points.
Today, multiple devices such as lasers, electromagnetic devices, and physical pressure with steel balls are also used to apply pressure at acupuncture points. The effectiveness of acupuncture or acupressure will depend on the acupuncturist’s skill and his ability to stimulate the pressure point.
In ancient times, the number of acupuncture points was believed to be 365. More points have since been identified. Through these points, one can reach out to the meridians.
To learn more about natural solutions in healing and related areas, here is a selection of my books on the subject.