Keeping the kidneys healthy is critical for diabetes patients. When we eat, in the digestive process, sugar is produced. Sugar finds its way from the digestive system into the blood, where insulin released from the pancreas helps break it down to release energy.

Insulin plays a blood sugar regulatory role. It prevents blood sugar levels from either rising too high. Diabetes experts have indicated normal blood sugar levels for healthy people. According to the American Diabetes Association, the standard blood sugar level in adults’ fasting state should stay less than 100 mg/dl. A reading between 100 mg/dl and 126 mg/dl indicates that the individual is pre-diabetic. These are warning levels. They tell you that you are on the verge of turning diabetic. The peak blood sugar levels for non-diabetics measured two hours after eating should not exceed 180 mg/dl.

Blood sugar levels, when these stay high, cause harm. But why do these levels rise at all? Unable insulin to fully break available blood sugar into energy leads to increased blood sugar levels.

Another reason is that the conversion process itself has become retarded. The cells of the body have become resistant to the available insulin. As a consequence, blood sugar levels rise. The medical name for such a condition is insulin resistance.

The kidneys try to filter and reduce blood sugar that is not broken down by insulin. In high blood sugar conditions, the kidneys get overloaded with filtration work. Over time, the kidneys’ performance levels go down, which ultimately can lead to kidney failure. Other recommended steps are:

  1. Control blood sugar levels: High blood sugar levels can damage the kidneys over time. Keeping blood sugar levels within the target range can help prevent this damage.
  2. Maintain a healthy blood pressure: High blood pressure is a common complication of diabetes and can also damage the kidneys. Keeping blood pressure within the target range can help protect the kidneys.
  3. Manage protein intake: Excessive protein in the diet can put additional strain on the kidneys. A balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can help preserve kidney function.
  4. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough fluids can help flush out waste and prevent dehydration, which can harm the kidneys.
  5. Avoid nephrotoxic medications: Some medications can be toxic to the kidneys and should be avoided or used with caution in individuals with diabetes.
  6. Get regular check-ups: Regular monitoring of kidney function through blood and urine tests can help detect and manage any potential problems early.

Conventional treatment of type 2 diabetes, broadly speaking, is composed of the following:

1. Diet modification

2. Exercise

3. Medication

The natural solutions for diabetes also focus on exercise, lifestyle changes, and herbal medicine. Ayurveda and TCM herbal medicine combinations have multiple herbs that are recommended to be taken by patients. While human clinical trials on the efficacy of these formulations have not been undertaken, anecdotal evidence points to their role as complementary supplements. You can learn more about these here.

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