Home » Content creation » Remedies and medicine » My grandma had high blood pressure, which led to diabetes, which lead to cancer. But now I got my blood report done and it turns out I have high blood sugar as well, and I am scared. Will I be okay?

I have looked at cancer, obesity, and diabetes from the point of view of exploring possible evidence-based natural solutions for these diseases. Let me share with you, in brief, some of my findings:

Obesity, diabetes, and cancer are lifestyle diseases. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity, and dietary goals that seek to bring down calorie intake can help reduce the risk of these ailments.

Yes, risk levels rise because of genetic factors. But I also learned that epigenetic factors are more important than genetic reasons. This brings us back to the point of following a healthy lifestyle.

Most of our genes are turned off and on by signals from our environment. These include stimuli from thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions. Negative emotions are known to trigger stress hormones such as cortisone and adrenaline. Hormones such as oxytocin and DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are known to be healing hormones.

For instance, older adults with diabetes observing moderate leisure-time activity and walking, higher intake of dietary fiber, and consumption of low-fat diet, especially trans fats, easily digestible carbohydrates, cutting down on smoking, and reducing central obesity helped reduce lifestyle disease risk. (Mozaffarian et al., 2009).

Adjunct treatments for these ailments include relaxation therapies such as meditation, hypnosis, yoga, art, music, tai chi, and qi gong (Elkins et al., 2010).

Many scientific studies have shown that regular psychotherapeutic exercises like meditation, yoga, tai chi, and qi gong are beneficial in both disease prevention, aggravation, and management. Some of these practices have been mainstreamed in treating all these lifestyle-related ailments, including diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

As long as you don’t worry too much and lead a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, my research tells me that you should do fine.

However, it is best to check with a physician before following anything that I have stated above.

Additional reading:

Tri-series on Natural Solutions for Obesity, Diabetes, and Cancer

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc