Does walking help lose weight? It is a question often asked. Obesity is a complex disease. It appears as a polygenic condition. It is affected by environmental factors (mainly unbalanced dietary patterns and physical inactivity). Epigenetics is responsible for the increased susceptibility of an individual to obesity. External exposures during critical development periods can alter the profile of epigenetic marks and result in obesity. (Herrera et al., 2011)
It is vital to understand the relationship between epigenetics, nutrition, and obesity. Once we understand these, we will explore the scientific solution for weight loss.
It is the choices of food that we make that determine if obesity will set in or not. Energy intake must be kept in deficit to the energy expenditure to bring about weight loss. Walking will result in energy consumption, but there must be an energy deficit to lose weight. Walking or any other exercise alone will not bring about weight loss.
Losing weight is best achieved when we proceed systematically. Check with your physician before consulting a weight loss dietitian or a physical trainer. The physician will order a series of medical assessments to evaluate medical causes for weight gain and identify the triggers leading to weight gain.
Once the clinical factors or weight gain have been analyzed and understood, should you move to the next steps, like picking up a diet or an exercise regime
The next steps could include sitting with your dietitian and picking a diet regime that culturally and individually is comfortable for you. You will only stick to a diet regime if you do not find it a burden. The choice of exercise, too, should be individual-specific. If you enjoy walking, resistance training, or any other exercise, pick that one. Enjoy the journey, and you will achieve fighting this disease.
Remember, obesity is a complex disease; you need expert help to treat it like you do when tackling any other ailment.