There are 3,944 prescriptions having ginseng as an ingredient in the Korean Clinical Pharmacopeia that has been in place since 1610 AD.
Traditionally, ginseng is regarded as both a physical and mental restorant. It is said to improve the cognitive ability of patients, improve the quality of life and behavior. Ginsenoides and other constituents in ginseng possess immunosuppressive properties.
It is also said to be an aphrodisiac. Other medicinal properties include the ability to improve concentration, memory, physical efficiency, and athletic endurance.
Studies on healthy individuals given Panax ginseng doses of 200 mg of extract daily showed increased QTc interval]. They decreased diastolic blood pressure two hours after ingestion on the first day of therapy (Caron et al., 2002).
Cognitive enhancement ability tests with herbal treatment with Panax ginseng were conducted on healthy volunteers who had fasted overnight. The results confirm that the herb possesses glucoregulatory and cognitive performance-enhancing properties (Scholey et al., 2016).
It has also been shown that a dose-dependent improvement in memory quality was seen in experiments conducted on volunteers who were administered Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng treatment. The biggest improvement was observed in those given the highest dose (Kennedy et al., 2001). Positive results were also observed when Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng were given to volunteers with neurasthenic complaints (Wesnes et al., 1997).
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