by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Jul 31, 2020 | Remedies and medicine
In aromatherapy, benzoin incense has a calming influence on the body but can cause contact dermatitis. It is a mild stimulant and antiseptic, and it is used to treat skin irritations such as itchiness, dryness, and redness after blending it with oil. Papyrus records...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Sep 9, 2016 | Remedies and medicine
Photo: Galbanum incense is one of the four essential ingredients of the Holy Incense mentioned in Exodus 30:34 and Ecclesiastes 24:14–15. Ketoret, the Jewish Holy Incense, was one of the ingredients burned in the Tabernacle in the 1st and 2nd...