by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Feb 9, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
Myrrh is the aromatic gum or resin that exudes from the stems and branches of more than 150 species in the Commiphora genus of the Burseraceae family (e.g., Commiphora myrrha, Commiphora molmol, Commiphora gileadensis). These species, which are rare today, are...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | May 18, 2016 | Food and Nutrition
Lemongrass history is ancient and fascinating. Biblical scholars, such as Zohary (1985), Duke (2010), and Jensen (Danish 2004, English translation 2012), have suggested another species, Cymbopogon, as the true sweet calamus mentioned in the Bible. This species is...