Many scholars have studied the anti-cancer potential of acupuncture. Here is a brief overview: Meridians are pathways through which qi is believed to flow. There are fourteen major meridian lines in the human body—one meridian for each of the twelve inner organs in...
Custard apple is a hybrid between Annona cherimola and Annona squamosa plants. The first cross was made in Florida by P. J. Wester of the US Department of Agriculture subtropical laboratory, Miami, in 1908. The hybrid has spread across most of the tropical world (Lim,...
Astragalus membraneceous (common name: milk vetch, huang qi) Photo: Sudhir Ahluwalia Astragalus (huang qi) herb is, among things, known for its anti-cancer properties. The plant is a perennial herb or subshrub that grows to a height of 200 cm. The genus (Astragalus)...
Featured image: Astragalus membranaceous Photo: Sudhir Ahluwalia Astragalus membranaceous common name milk vetch is one of the 50 fundamental Chinese medicinal herbs. 133 species of the genus are found in Europe alone. The plant is said to have the highest...