by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Nov 8, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
Lemongrass oil’s medicinal properties have been widely studied. It contains 65–85 percent citral and myrcene, which have antibacterial and analgesic properties. It also has restorative, digestive, antitussive, antiviral, analgesic, antiemetic, anticardiopathic,...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Sep 8, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
The science of natural remedies is as old as man. Humans observed and learned from nature. Through centuries of trial and error, natural solutions for various diseases were written down. Hippocrates and a host of ancient Greek scholars wrote some of the first...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Aug 16, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
Fennel seed is sweet and is eaten as a mouth freshener. It is a popular after-meal digestive in India. The Chinese use the leaves and stems in their cooking, with the seeds added as a spice. In Chinese medicine, fennel is believed to strengthen eyesight, relieve...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Jul 26, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
Fennel is a familiar cooking herb in the Mediterranean and is popular in the whole belt from Greece to Egypt. Ancient Romans cultivated fennel for its aromatic seeds and edible shoots. Ancient Egyptians, too, used fennel both in food and as medicine. In Chinese...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Apr 29, 2022 | Remedies and medicine
Custard apple is a hybrid between Annona cherimola and Annona squamosa plants. The first cross was made in Florida by P. J. Wester of the US Department of Agriculture subtropical laboratory, Miami, in 1908. The hybrid has spread across most of the tropical world (Lim,...