by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Nov 3, 2022 | Business and technology
Here are some tips on customer acquisition cost-effectively. Customers come to a business when they find that you are providing them with a product or service that fits their requirements. A company understands this simple fact, studies the customer requirement, and...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Sep 29, 2022 | Business and technology
According to Business Makeover, “A platform connects two or more interdependent groups of users and enables them to interact with each other. The platform operates an infrastructure that facilitates such interactions. The platform typically earns from advertising or a...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Aug 17, 2022 | Business and technology
A company flourishes when it successfully builds a competitive advantage for the goods and services it is taking to the market. Competitive advantage is secured when the business’s products are fully aligned to the customer’s needs. Customers are more...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Aug 9, 2022 | Business and technology
Business models help a business execute a strategy. Strategy is the foundation on which a business model sits. No amount of window dressing to the front end can help a business survive a recession. Therefore, a business must look at its strategy and make changes that...
by Sudhirahluwalia, Inc | Jul 15, 2022 | Business and technology
Many jurisdictions worldwide have defined quality control/assurance standards for the food and beverage industry. The challenge everywhere has been educating and convincing entrepreneurs to observe these standards. The first step to starting a business is to check its...