Garlic is not listed as a prominent herb either in Ayurveda or in Traditional Chinese medicine. Most plants have various medicinal properties. I have looked at this plant’s medicinal properties. I was able to find the following scientific evidence in support of its anti-cancer properties.

The antioxidant properties of aged garlic extract were observed by Dillon et al. (2003). Dorant et al. (1996) observed the spice’s ability to moderate the impact of colorectal cancer. A similar correlation was made by Durak et al. (2003) in prostate cancer patients.

Helicobacter pylori infect the stomachs of approximately 60% of the world’s adult population (Cave, 1997). This number goes up to 95% in developing countries (Frenck and Clemens, 2003). This infection causes several gastric ailments that range from gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, etc. (Dixon, 1992; and Nomura et al., 1994). O Gare et al. (2008) studied garlic oil’s effects in a simulated gastric environment due to anti-Helibacter activity. The antibacterial effect on Helicobacter pylori stomach infections was observed by Salih et al. (2003). Both studies claim that garlic oil helped combat the disease. Uncontrolled gastric ulcers can potentially turn cancerous. If that were to happen, then there is a role for garlic.

Additional reading:

Natural Solutions for Cancer

Asian Herbs and their wondrous health-giving properties


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