There are scientific studies that support the presence of garlic’s antioxidant properties. The antioxidant properties of aged garlic extract were observed by Dillon et al. (2003). Dorant et al. (1996) observed the spice’s ability to moderate the impact of colorectal cancer. A similar correlation was made Durak et al. (2003) in prostate cancer patients.

Traditional uses of garlic though present a different picture. I could not find any evidence of a traditional claim of the plant directly possessing antiaging properties. Let me summarize some of the traditional claims of the medicinal properties of garlic.

There is extensive reference to its medicinal properties in both the Charakasamhita and the Sushrutasamhita, ancient Indian medical texts. Both Indians and Chinese regard garlic as an aphrodisiac. It aids digestion, improves respiration, and was used to get rid of intestinal worm infestation (Woodward, 1996). It helps in improving qi—life energy. Charakasamhita recommends the use of garlic to treat heart disease and arthritis too. Garlic’s effect is also said to be diuretic.

The Ebers Papyrus (c. 1550 BC) prescribes the use of garlic in cases of high blood pressure and clogged arteries. Garlic was also prescribed to alleviate general malaise, and combat infestations of insects, worms, and parasites.

Hippocrates recommended the use of garlic for respiratory ailments, as a cleansing agent, and to treat abdominal growths. Dioscorides recommended the use of garlic to keep arteries clean. Pliny’s Historica Naturalis mentions the use of garlic to improve digestion and to treat insect bites, arthritis, and convulsions.

All plant-based foods have been found to contained antioxidants. There is also evidence that antioxidants help protect the body from infection and build immunity. Antiaging is a complex process and multiple theories on antiaging have been presented by scientists. The process is still not fully understood though.

The weight of evidence as it stands today and in this, I am including ancient traditional use of garlic too does not support the hypothesis that the presence of antioxidants in garlic on their own will make the plant an antiaging property possessing herb.

To know more about garlic you can check here.

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