Sustainable weight loss requires disciplining the lifestyle. Many people are looking for a silver bullet to quickly reduce weight with the least effort. Losing weight is best achieved when we proceed systematically. Obesity is a complex disease, and it is important to exclude medical conditions before initiating any weight loss program.

Begin with a medical assessment so that physiological and genetic causes of obesity are ruled out. It involves recording an individual’s past efforts to achieve weight loss, exercise and eating habits, eating patterns, family and personal medical history, stress levels, and possible causes for stress – work-related, family, and others. Genetic dispositions often are responsible for a medical-condition. A gene’s overactivity triggers the linkage between hypertension and related cardiac conditions, diabetes, and even cancer.

If there are no clinical recommendations, we move to the next stage of the weight loss process.

DEXA machines do body fat mass distribution and overall estimates. These X-ray-based technology machines help identify body fat areas where body fat is preponderant. It also helps estimate the total quantity of body fat mass. A weight loss regime will seek to lower the amount of body fat in the body. A healthy body composition includes a low percentage of body fat and a high rate of fat-free mass – muscle, bones, and organs.

This step requires consulting a physical therapist who will recommend an exercise schedule appropriate to your physical condition. Remember, physical therapy is a science of its own. It is best to consult with a physical therapist to arrive at a customized training suited for you.

The next step is diet planning. Many people suffering from obesity make the nutritionist or dietitian the first port of call. To my mind, the dietitian’s role comes into play only after completing a thorough clinical examination.

The expert will help you fix short-term and long-term goals and help put a self-monitoring mechanism in place. Behavior and motivation are critical to achieving weight-loss goals and require integration into a weight-loss regime that will help bring about sustainable weight loss.

If you follow this routine, the chances of successful weight loss will be high.

Additional reading:
Natural Solutions for Obesity

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc