Diet plays a critical role in weight loss. Fats are the primary foods that most dietitians ask their clients to reduce. But these are essential for our health. The alternate is to select low-fat foods that are nutritious and less fattening at the same time.
The choice of food is often a factor of availability, price, and cultural preference.
Losing weight is best achieved when we proceed systematically. Check with your physician before consulting a weight loss dietitian.
The physician will order a series of medical assessments to evaluate medical causes for weight gain and identify the triggers leading to weight gain.
Once the physician’s assessment is completed and the physiological and genetic causes of obesity are ruled out. If there are no clinical recommendations, we move to the next stage of a weight loss process.
It entails consulting a physical therapist who will recommend an exercise schedule appropriate to your physical condition.
The next step is diet planning. This is best done in consultation with an expert. The expert will help you fix short-term and long-term goals. He will also help put a self-monitoring mechanism in place. Behavior and motivation are critical to achieving weight-loss goals and require integration into a weight loss regime. Losing weight requires comprehensive handling. Food and diet are just one part of the weight-loss equation.

Additional reading:
Natural Solutions for Obesity

Sudhirahluwalia, Inc