Several popular diets promoting claims of dramatic weight loss exist in the market. The popular diets are- Paleo, Vegan, Low carb, Dukan, Keto, Ultra Low fat, Atkins, HCG, Zone, Weight Watchers, Intermittent Fasting, and Ornish, to name some of them.

The multiplicity of diets has the weight loss enthusiast confused—proponents of each diet claim that their recommendation is the best for you. Let us try and demystify these diets. Let us now see the scientific support for these diets.

A review of four diets emphasizing different nutrients – protein, carbohydrate, and fat, showed no diet achieved more clinically significant weight loss when compared to the other. Weight loss took place regardless of macronutrients. Weight loss was an outcome calorie deficit created during dieting. (Sacks et al., 2009)

A comparison trial with obese individuals subjected to either a low-carbohydrate diet or a conventional weight loss diet showed that outcomes are better in individuals on a low-carb diet at the end of a year. Lipid and sugar levels in the blood were more favorable in such individuals. (Stern et al., 2004)

The effectiveness of four popular diets (Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers, and Ornish) for weight loss and cardiac risk factor reduction was studied. No significant variations in weight loss and related parameters between diets exist, indicating that all the diets were equally effective. (Dansinger et al., 2005)

The choice of the diet plan depends on the comfort of the individual, food preferences, and goals. It should be a plan that you can continue over an extended time. Only then will the desired results be obtained. The program you may pick should include all foods from the major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources, and nuts.

Food choice and food availability in the local grocery store are other important criterion for picking a diet plan. Food should fit your lifestyle and budget. Diet put means eating healthy, lower-calorie meals. And these should be accompanied by a fitness regime.

Additional reading:

Natural Solutions for Obesity

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