What is the cost of publishing a book?

I have five published books and hundreds of columns in multiple platforms to my credit. I learned to publish the hard way. Let me briefly summarize my experience and the lessons for other authors. A book before it goes becomes available to readers goes through the...

Rape A Societal Malaise

My latest story on the Canadian travel and culture magazine- www.travelculturemag.com. This is my tribute to the oppressed Indian woman. Nirbhaya along with her friend got into a local bus that would take them home in an up market part of South Delhi on that fateful...

Collaboration between emerging markets

As the world gets out of the global recession, recovery patterns are clearly emerging. India and China are clearly on the forefront of recovery while the US is slowly coming out of the depths of financial despair. Europe continues to be a laggard with real recovery...
Sudhirahluwalia, Inc